Natalia Griakalova. “Boi v lubke”. Notes for interpretation of Velimir Khlebnikov’s “superstory” “Voina v myshelovke”

1. About a textological mishap


“Voina v myshelovke” is an example of a literary cycle based on a certain composition and thematic method, which Khlebnikov had been using since early 1910s. It was most clearly implemented in the “superstory” “Deti Vydry” (1914), then in “Zangezi” (1922), whose foreword offered a definition of the new “supergenre” in the metaphorical manner that was intrinsic to their author: “Sverkhpovest’, ili zapovest’, skladyvaetsia iz samostoiatel’nykh otryvkov, kazhdyi s svoim osobym bogom, osoboi veroi i osobym ustavom. <…> Rasskaz est’ zodchestvo iz slov. Zodchestvo iz “rasskazov” est’ sverkhpovest’”.
